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11-14 日本广岛大学张峻屹教授学术讲座:Population migration and regional development in Japan: A longitudinal and spatially context-dependent analysis

题目:Population migration and regional development in Japan: A longitudinal and spatially context-dependent analysis
主讲人:张峻屹 教授(日本广岛大学)

    张峻屹教授的主要研究领域包括交通运输规划与管理、城市与区域规划、环境与能源政策、旅游政策与管理等。他是市民生活行为学创始人(2015年3月专著市民生活行为学由日本土木工程学会出版,2016年世界著名出版社Springer将出版其专著LIFE-ORIENTED BEHAVIORAL RESEARCH FOR URBAN POLICY),日本交通界第一位外籍教授,主持了多项大型重点研究与教育项目。日本21世纪COE项目核心成员,日本文部省科学技术振兴调整战略环境顶尖人才培养重点项目城市系统设计组组长,日本学术振兴会科学研究费的基础研究A类项目负责人。到2016年2月为止,已发表了330多篇有审查论文(其中50篇SCI/SSCI论文,英文论文250篇以上)和其他论文近300篇,共获包括2014年世界智能交通(ITS)大会最优论文奖在内的日本国内外论文奖11次(最优秀论文奖8次,优秀论文奖3次)。20多家SCI/SSCI杂志论文评审专家,国际交通行为研究学会(IATBR)5名理事之一,亚洲太平洋地区最大交通学会组织亚洲交通学会(EASTS)杂志Asian Transport Studies(ATS)主编,10多家国际著名学术杂志编委。

    Japan has been facing with population decline. Over-concentration of population in the three mega-city areas (Tokyo, Nagoya and Osaka) has resulted in seriously-unbalanced regional development, especially in a large proportion of local cities and rural areas. Since 1980s, the Japanese government has implemented various policies (i.e., a huge amount of money has been invested) in re-balancing regional development. Unfortunately, effects of such policies are not so effective as expected. This lecture will focus on population migration among regions in Japan. It will first illustrate the patterns of population migration over time since 1980s. Second, it will clarify temporally-changing effects of various regional revitalization policies by building a spatially context-dependent discrete choice model at the prefecture level. This lecture will summarize what policies had worked consistently over time and what policies worked only at a certain time period. Finally, future research challenges will be discussed.

