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11-6 清华大学助理教授谢小磊学术讲座:医疗运营管理

主讲人:谢小磊 (助理教授/清华大学)
时间:2015年11月6日 19:30—21:00
    谢小磊博士,清华大学工业工程系助理教授。致力于和卫生医疗专家和管理者合作,应用工业工程方法解决相关领域实际问题。2010年至2014年与University of Wisconsin Health system, University of Kentucky合作从事医院紧急救助,出院流程优化,混合预约系统设计及手术室排程等科研项目的研究,2012年夏在Mayo Clinic的Center for Science of Healthcare Delivery从事住院病人紧急救助研究工作。现已和国内医院,卫生医疗相关科研院所和卫生管理部门开始合作。其它研究方向包括生产系统运作管理,通过建模分析,发现影响医疗、生产及其它工程系统的内在规律。
    Rapid response to clinical deterioration plays an important role to improve patient safety. In this paper, we present an initial study on modeling and analysis of the rapid response process in acute care. Specifically, such a process is modeled as a complex network with split, merge, and parallel structures. An analytical method is developed to evaluate the decision time (from detection of patient deteriorating to a doctor's decision for treatment) and its variability. Structural properties are discussed and continuous improvement methods for identification and mitigation of bottlenecks in the rapid response operations are provided. A case study at the acute care at the University of Kentucky Chandler Hospital is introduced to validate the model, and continuous improvement recommendations are investigated. Finally, potential future work to extend the study is discussed.
