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【明理讲堂2020年第15期暨百家大讲堂ONLINE系列专题学术讲座】7-25孟菲斯大学Huigang Liang教授:AI in Medicine: Opportunities and Challenges

  报告人:孟菲斯大学Huigang Liang教授

  时间:7月25日(周六)  10:00-11:00

  腾讯会议号:719 777 288



  The rapid development of AI has created many opportunities to improve research and practice in medicine. This presentation provides a high-level overview of the state-of-the-art application of AI in various healthcare related fields, including deep learning, image processing, and natural language processing. Despite the impressive performance of AI in specific task domains, there are a myriad of obstacles impeding the wide diffusion of AI in medicine. This presentation thus covers the challenging issues such as algorithmic bias, transparency, security, and privacy.


  Huigang Liang is Professor and FedEx Chair of Excellence in MIS of Business Information and Technology Department at The University of Memphis. He received his M.S. degree in computer science and his Ph.D. degree in healthcare information systems from Auburn University, in 2002 and 2003, respectively. His research interests include socio-behavioral, managerial, and strategic information technology issues at both individual and organizational levels in a variety of contexts. His work has appeared in MIS Quarterly (MISQ), Information Systems Research (ISR), Journal of MIS, Journal of AIS, MIT Sloan Management Review, Communications of the ACM, Decision Support Systems, Information Systems Journal, and Journal of Strategic Information Systems, among other publications. He has served as associate editor for MISQ and is currently senior editor for JAIS and associate editor for ISR and Information & Management.

  (承办:研究生院 科研与学术交流中心)