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香港浸会大学Christy M.K. Cheung副教授应邀来管理与经济学院作学术报告

  2019年7月15日上午9:00,应管理与经济学院管理工程系邀请,香港浸会大学Christy M.K. Cheung副教授在主楼216会议室作了题为“IT-Based Intervention: Understanding Bystanders’ Reporting Responses to Online Harassment on Social Media”的学术报告。报告会由管理工程系颜志军教授主持,管理工程系老师、部分博士生及硕士生参加了研讨会。


  在今天的报告中,Christy副教授为我们介绍了在生活中经常遇到的online harassment研究。Online harassment是一种网络欺凌行为,对社交媒体用户构成严重风险,对平台提供商构成挑战。近年来,许多平台提供商都实现了内置的报告功能,以对抗这种令人反感的在线行为。然而,这些报告工具在鼓励积极干预方面的有效性仍然相对未知。为了解决这一差距,即理解基于技术的网络骚扰干预。该研究借助旁观者干预框架,开发了一个研究模型,解释了一组评估因素如何影响旁观者使用社交媒体内置报告功能的意愿。并且对活跃的Facebook用户进行了实证测试。这项研究揭示了如何有效减轻网络骚扰的负面影响,为建设一个更光明、更安全的数字社会提供了有价值的见解。




  Christy M.K. Cheung is Associate Professor of Information Systems and e-Business Management and the Director of Research Postgraduate Programmer of School of Business at Hong Kong Baptist University. She earned a Ph.D. in Information Systems from the College of Business at City University of Hong Kong. Her research interests include Technology Use and Well-Being, Social Media, Data Analytics and IS Security. She has published more than 150 refereed articles in international journals and conference proceedings, including Decision Support Systems, Information & Management, Journal of Information Technology, Journal of Management Information Systems, Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, MIS Quarterly and among others. She is currently serving as the Editor-in-Chief for Internet Research.