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The School of Management and Economics of Beijing Institute of Technology organized “Corporate Bookwork” activity

With an aim to give an insight into the central theme of the 19th CPC national congress and practice President Xi Jinping’s   significant illustration of cultivating talents by virtue as well as the growth of adolescents,  the School of Management and Economics of BIT together with Beijing Association for Collegiate Reading organized an activity named ‘The reading season of Beijing ·The conference of adolescent reading’ ,corresponding with the requirement of BIT on the afternoon of December 18. Jialiang He from Beijing Association for Collegiate Reading, the undersecretary of student affairs department of the party committee, Mingxue Peng, the deputy secretary in student affairs department of the School of Management and Economics as well as around 100 students from the School of Management and Economics attended the activity.

The story editor of Chinese financial and Economic Publishing House and cultural scholar, Daiyuan Cui was invited to guide freshmen to firm ideal and faith and cultivate good reading habits. He took Seven Years of President Xi Jinping’s Educated Youth Age as an example to lecture reading skills to the class and guide them into the age of Educated Youth President Xi Jinping. when it comes to ’why are we reading?’, he stressed that reading is a part of life, which could broaden one’s horizon and gain experience. Books get us the ability to think, to use for conference, and to criticize. He also emphasized that our lives all evitably have ups and downs. Reading could assuage minds on the crest of lives and bring hopes on the trough of lives.

During the lecture, Mr.Cui read aloud and interacted with the classmates to let them experience the three forms of reading, ‘one-to-one’ ,‘one-to-many’ and ‘one-to-zero’ . the class learn more about President Xi Jinping’s extraordinary growth process in the interaction.

Jianyue Zhang emphasized that Corporate Bookwork is a trial of BIT under the construction of double first-rate and the academic system. She used President Xi Jinping’s extraordinary growth process in the book Seven Years of President Xi Jinping’s Educated Youth Age to inspire the audience.

Mingxue Peng concluded that books are the ladder of human progress. The School of Management and Economics of BIT construct cultural atmosphere actively and invite popular writers and scholars to share experience with undergraduates and enhance their cultural attainment.


This activity served as a prologue of Corporate Bookwork, which will help the students from the school of management and economics learn the main theme of President Xi’s lecture more thoroughly and the new concept of governing a state and consider how to achieve and renewed mission in the new era.


Guest Profile

Daiyuan Cuiwritercultural scholarthe story editor of Chinese financial and Economic Publishing Housea active proponent of nationwide reading, invited to be the scholar guest by CCTV,CNR,CRI,CETV, organized hundreds of reading conferences in  the national library, the capital library, THU, BNU,CAS,BIT,CAU,BJTU,BJFU,CCB, BOC.