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BIT SME visit the History Exhibition Hall of the Communist Party of China

dean Wang Zhaohua led, party and government joint members, party committee, some department heads, center directors and teacher party branch secretaries to visit the history exhibition hall of the communist party of China. They visited the exhibition of "stay true to our original aspiration and keep our mission firmly in mind", reviewing the communist party’s one hundred years of struggle and glorious history, drawing spiritual nourishment and strength from the history.

Through the exhibition, we further understood the glorious history of the Party, and deeply felt the hard-won red regime, hard-won new China, and socialism with Chinese characteristics. All the attendants expressed that they were very moved and inspired. They must actively respond to the call of the CPC Central Committee, firmly strengthen their ideals and beliefs, make unremitting efforts to build a world-class university with Chinese characteristics, and make due contribution to achieving the second centenary Goal!