Xuanting Ye
Ph.D / Assistant Professor
School of Management and Economics
Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, China
Email: yexuant@bit.edu.cn
Tel: +861068918823 / +8618611700856
Education Background
- 2008-2011, Doctor of Management, Beijing Institute of Technology, majoring in Management Science and Engineering.
- 2009-2010, Visiting Ph.D Student, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA, majoring in Science and Technology Policy.
- 2006-2008, Master of Management, Beijing Institute of Technology, majoring in Management Science and Engineering.
- 2002-2006, Bachelor of Management, Hefei University of Technology, majoring in Management Information System.
Job Experience
- 2014.12-up to now, School of Management and Economics, Beijing Institute of Technology, Assistant Professor.
- 2012.10-2014.12, School of Public Policy and Management, Tsinghua University, Post-doctoral Research Fellow.
- 2007.01-2007.11, Office of International S&T Cooperation Program of China, Assistant Project Manager.
Research Specialty
- Research Area: Technology Innovation Management, S&T Evaluation, and International Collaboration Strategy and Policy.
- The current research focuses on the theoretical and empirical study of innovation internationalization, and the quantitative analysis on S&T policy.
Key Projects
- 2013.01-2014.12, in charge of the project of China Postdoctoral Science Foundation, “Research on the Theoretical Analysis Model and Operating Mechanism of Industrial Innovation Internationalization”.
- 2012.10-2014.12, participated in the project of Guangdong Province, “Strategy and Policy Analysis of Light Emitting Diode Industry of Guangdong Province”.
- 2010.01-2015.01, participated in the key project of NSFC, “Research on Theory and Policy of Internationalization of National Innovation System in China”.
- 2009.06-2009.12, participated in the project of NSFC, “A Bibliometric and Policy Study on International Collaboration of NSFC”.
- 2008.01-2008.12, participated in the project of NSFC, “Study on the Construction of NSFC’s Performance Evaluation System”.
Key Papers
- Ye X., Zhang J., Liu Y. and Su J.*. Study on the measurement of international knowledge flow based on the patent citation network [J]. International Journal of Technology Management, 2015, 69 (3/4): 229-245. (SCI/SSCI/EI)
- Ye X., Liu Y. and Porter A.L. International collaborative patterns in China's nanotechnology publications [J]. International Journal of Technology Management, 2012, 59: 255-272. (SCI/SSCI/EI)
- Liu Y., Ye X., Yang F., et al. Study on the concept, classification and evolution characteristics of internationalization policy of China’s national innovation system based on policy quantitative analysis [J]. Management World, 2014, (12): 62-78. (CSSCI)
- Liu J., Ye X. and Liu Y. Study on the effect of international knowledge flow on the industry innovation performance in China [J]. Journal of Applied Science, 2013, 13(10): 1669-1676. (EI)
- Tan L., Sun H. and Ye X., et al. Comparing the evolution of crystalline silicon photovoltaic cells - technological route and national specialization [J]. Energy Procedia, 2014, 61: 1807-1811. (EI)
- 2015.12, Outstanding Achievement Award for Science Research in Colleges and Universities (Humanity and Social Sciences), Second Prize.
- 2013.12, Beijing Science and Technology Award, Third Prize.