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Chun Qi



NAME:  Dr. Chun Qi

SEX:   Female

DATE OF BIRTH: February 25, 1973

PLCE OF BIRTH:  Beijing, China

Current employment: School of Management & Economics

             Beijing Institute of Technology


HOME ADDRESS:     Kexueyuan Nanli 404-509,

            Chaoyang District,Beijing 100101, China


Telephone:          (86-10) 6894-8033 (Beijing, Office)

            (86-10) 6487-0622 (Beijing, Home)

Mobile:        13810882413





EADUATION:       Ph. D., September 1998 – December 2002

           Asian Institute of Technology

           Bangkok, Thailand.

           (My dissertation topic is Determinant Analysis of Foreign Direct Investment in China.)


           Master of Business Administration (MBA), September 1996 - April 1998,

           Asian Institute of Technology,

           Bangkok, Thailand.

           (My research topic is Intellectual Property Right Protection in Chinese Software Industry)


           Bachelor of Law, September 1992-1996,

           Department of Economics Law,

           Capital University of Economics and Trade

           Beijing, China.

           (My research topic is Application of Company Law in Forming a New company.)


LANGUAGE:        Chinese


                      Thai (level I)




2003-now: teaching following courses for both master and bachelor degrees: International Business Strategy Management (in English), International Economics (bilingual), International Trade, International Business Law, and Business English.


1999-2002: gave lectures in courses “International Economy” and “International Business Environment Study” for master students in School of Management, Asian Institute of Technology.


1999: was a teaching assistant of “Statistic Management” for master student in School of Management, Asian Institute of Technology.


1995 – 1996: taught foreign students Chinese as a part time job in Beijing, the students were staffs of foreign companies in Beijing, who came from different countries. I taught them Chinese pronunciation, dialogue, and Chinese writing at different levels.




1996-2002: Bangkok, Thailand

1997: Hong Kong, 10 days

1999: US, two weeks

2000: EU countries (UK, France, Spain), two weeks

2003: UK, one week

2007: Hong Kong, 5 days

2009: US, two weeks

2010: US, one month

2011: US, two weeks

2012: US, one week

2015: Australasian, two weeks

2015: Czech Republic, one week




  • Conference Papers:


2004: attended the conference “WTO, China, and the Asian Economies, II”, the paper is “Foreign Direct Investment in China: Pre- and Post- Asian Financial Crisis”


2006:attended international conference “Asia - Europe Conference on Cultural Change and Economic Development”,Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing。The paper is “Foreign Direct Investment in Chinese industries”,and “Analysis of influences of technological progress on employment”。


2007:attended international conference “Lecture Notes in Computer Science2007”,HK。The paper is “Analyses of Relationships between Technology Progress and Employment Ratio (EI Index)”& “Foreign Direct Investment in Chinese Industries: A Genetic Algorithm Approach (EI Index)”.


2010: “New Determinants of FDI in 21st Century --- A Combined Analysis of GA Approach and Discriminant Analysis.” ICMSIE2010


2010: “Efficiency Analysis of Bilingual Education --- A Case study of International Economics”, ETT2010.


2011: “Study of Technology Spillover of MNCs in China”, CENET2011.


  • Journal Paper:


Qi Chun & John C. S. Tang, Application of Genetic Algorithm Approach in the Analysis of Foreign Direct Investment, Social-Economic Planning Sciences, U.S., 2007, vol. 40 pp143-155.


Qi Chun, Dong Jin & Peng Hongbin, Strategic analyses of Chengde City’s Tourist Industry (in Chinese), Modern Economy, 2007, vol. 6 pp252-254.


Qi Chun & Guo qingchao, International strategic Analyses of Taiyuan Iron & Steel (Group) Co., Ltd. (in Chinese), Group Economy, 2007, vol.9 pp32-34.


Qi Chun, Dong Jin & Peng Hongbin, Analysis of influences of technological progress on employment, Reformation & Strategy, 2007, vol.10, pp17-20.


Qi Chun, Strategic Analyses of Sao Feidian’s Special Service Zone, Market Modernization, 2007, vol. 11, pp257-259.


Qi Chun, Possibility Analyses of Building Pre-warming System in Patent Protection, Science of Science and Management of S. & T., 2008, vol. 1, pp16-20.


Qi Chun, Necessities of Building a Patent Precaution System in Beijing, Science of Science and Management of S. & T., 2008, vol. 3, pp216-219.


Qi Chun & Li Jing, Influence Analyses of RMB’s Appreciation Crisis on Exports of Maotai Company, Science of Science and Management of S. & T., 2008, vol.12 pp61-63.


Lang Jun & Qi Chun, Analysis of China Merchants Bank’ Competitiveness under Financial Crisis, Science of Science and Management of S. & T., 2009.



Qi Chun, Analysis of Sensitive Determinants of FDI-Based on Comparison Study for Last Two Decades, Beijing Institute of Technocracy Journal, (2010, English Version).


  • Project:


 “The Development Strategy of International Travel Industry in Chengde City”, Financed by Chengde Government, 2003.


“Influences of Technology Improvement on Employment”, Financed by the Ministry of Science and Technology (Beijing), 2004.


“Determinants FDI in China”, Financed by Department of Education, 2004.


“Influences of TBT on Chinese International Trade”, Financed by the Ministry of Science and Technology (Beijing), 2007-8.


“Influences of TBT on Chinese International Trade”, Financed by Beijing Institute of Technology, 2009


“Research of Limited Trade Protectionism and Countermeasure”, Financed by The social science foundation of Ministry of Education, 2009-2012


“Research of Limited Trade Protectionism and Countermeasure, and Its Influence on Chinese Export”, Financed by The National Social Science Foundation, 2011-2013


“Strategic Planning of Chaoyang Non-staple Food Company for the ‘Thirteen five plan’”, 2014.


  • Textbook:


Dong Jin, Qi Chun, & Zhang Xiaosu, International Trade Affairs, China Higher Education Press, 2013


Tian Dongwen, Qi Chun, el ta, International Business Law, China Machine Press, 2012


  • Rewards:


2012 Shunjiang Teaching Reward, Beijing Institute of Technology


2013 Shunjiang Teaching Reward, Beijing Institute of Technology


2015 Shunjiang Teaching Reward, Beijing Institute of Technology